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Yigit Demir

Captain Yigit Demir has taken in charge in countless internal and foreign operations. He has won countless medals. By the way, he has sad story that his family was killed in a conflict when he was very young. Then he has devoted himself to the Turkish Military and to country. He is loved by people.

After he got military training, he became a strong man who can survive in harsh conditions and could sacrifice himself for his country if necessary. Thanks to his leadership, everyone under his command is ready to die for not only their country but also for Yigit.

After mastering in short-range, long-range weapons and martial arts, Yiğit can easily defeat his opponents. Now, his main target is Werewolves. The numbers of werewolves are increasing because of the Anti-Epoxyn medicine which is spreaded like wildfire and struck especially the area of Taksim.

However, he knows very well that weapons and brute force is not enough to defeat the werewolves. A new trial is yet to come for Yiğit. Taking all the risks, Yigit tries the medicine on himself. Now he is Fighting against evil with his claws, Howling against wind which flaps his grey fur, Having powers like a relic from his ancestors… He is the master of wolves!

Yigit Demir

When using; In addition, earn 30% Gold

When this character transforms to Wolf, below additional properties will be applied compared to Basic Wolf.

  • Jump +5%
  • Moving Speed +5%
  • Protection Ability +10%
  • Basic Attack Ability +15%
  • 'Snake Attack' Attack Ability +35%
  • When attacked Recover Ability +5%
  • When howling, additional Strength (HP) +200

These properties would be a little different in actual game.